Saturday, March 27, 2010

With close reference to the story 'Flowers for Algernon', do you think the gift of intellect is a gift or a curse?

Intelligence. A word hard to comprehend. They say it's a gift. They say it's a curse. But I think it's a gift that comes with the curse.

Less intelligent people are usually more happy than those who are more clever. Like Charlie Gordon. His requirement of life was very simple. A decent job and a simple life. That was happiness to him. However, to more intelligent people, they have cynical views about society and thinks the world is challenging against them. So, more intelligent people like Dr Nemur are usually people with more complicated minds, which makes them unhappy.

Knowledge, in truth, should bring happiness to people. But, on the other hand, it brings sadness across to them. Like Charlie Gordon, he was expecting a whole new life after the operation. He thought that he would have friends and knowledge and that was very satisfying. Since time human beings are known to have a great appetite to acquire knowledge. They need to satisfy their hunger for the sake of knowledge. Many great inventors skipped their meals and have gone without sleep to achieve education and knowledge. But they never knew about negative side of it. Will they be happy? This is a question that will be posted to be Charlie Gordon. Was Charlie Gordon happy?

He made a huge sacrifice for knowledge. Even he was always bullied verbally and physically by his cruel friends, his ignorance will ignore it all. If he did not have this intellectual capability, he would still know he had friends. But once he had it, the thought that he still had friends will vanish immediately, leaving him with pain and suffering. And that little great gift would just like become an evil curse.

In a nutshell, I personally feel that to a large extent, the gift of intellect is a curse because Charlie lost his friends and his job, making him lonely and unhappy. However, to a certain extent, I think that the gift of intellect is a gift as this gift provides us with the knowledge to benefit ourselves and the society in a right way.

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